Media Archive

ITS Information Assurance and our partners create many kinds of informational materials which we have made available in this archive. Sort the materials by type and/or topic to find things you and your unit can re-share, post, or hand out. We hope you find these materials fun, educational, and that they help you secure and protect you and the U-M community's systems and data.

Bridget Weise Knyal

If a tech support rep unexpectedly calls you to "help" you with a problem. Paws and hang up! It's a scam! #SecureLifeofPets

Bridget Weise Knyal
Ransomware poster with tips about avoiding ransomware that are also found on the Safe Computing website; tips include don't pay the ransom and report it to the ITS service center.
Bridget Weise Knyal

Treat yourself to greater security by not falling for tactics designed to steal your personal information. That’s a trick no one likes. #SecureLifeofPets

Information Assurance
Image of the job scams poster with warning about a scam frequently seen at U-M.
Matt Martin

Some phishing attempts are tricky. Learn how to spot phishes to avoid falling for a scam: #SecureLifeOfPets

Matt Martin
Dog sniffing a leaf held by a person. Text: Would you be-leaf someone at random on the street? Then why would you trust random emails, texts, or calls?

Would you be-leaf someone at random on the street? Why would you trust random emails, texts, or calls? Get tips on avoiding fraud and scams. #SecureLifeOfPets

Matt Martin

Don’t let Santa Claws get his paws on your identity this holiday season! Beware of identity theft and protect yourself online. #SecureLifeOfPets

Information Assurance
Envelop with letter popping out with a exclamation point and the words "Phishing Scam Threat"

Spoof emails can look very real. Learn how to spot a spoof. 

Matt Martin

Don’t wait. Report any suspected IT security incidents as soon as possible. Refer to to learn more what a security incident is and how to report it. #SafeComputing #SecureLifeOfPets

Information Assurance
Screen shot of the posters urging users to report phishing at

Protect others and contribute to U-M IT security defense.

Information Assurance
Screen shot of the poster listing signs of vishing, such as unexpected calls requiring personal information or payments, and encouraging users to hang up and call be to confirm the identity of the caller.

Vishing—or voice phishing—is a fraudulent call meant to trick you into giving money or revealing personal information.

Information Assurance
Screen shot of the poster encouraging uses to not respond or click on links in suspicious text messages asking for personal information, urging unexpected required action, or claiming you have won prizes or contests.

Be suspicious of unexpected texts from unknown numbers. Texting scams can steal personal information and money.


Watch out for impawsters! Learn how to protect yourself from identity theft! #WebSafeWednesday #SecureLifeOfPets #identitytheft


Learn how to spot phishes to avoid being fleeced! #SecureLifeOfPets #UMich


Don’t get yourself sick by responding to Phish! Protect yourself and learn how to spot Phishes. #SecureLifeOfPets #SafeComputhing


Fake pages can look exactly like the real ones! Check the URL before clicking and entering login information. #WebTipWednesday #SecureLifeOfPets


ITS IA takes #Phishing seriously and so should you! Learn to spot, report, and protect yourself from phishing & suspicious email on Safe Computing. #SecureLifeOfPets

Information Assurance

IT Security — Our Shared Responsibility

Information Assurance

IT Security Tips for When You Work from Home

Information Assurance

Protect Yourself & the University from Spear Phishing