NOTICE: Hyatt Legal Plans' FraudScout/CyberScout messages are legitimate

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

April 2017 update: On Monday, April 18, 2017, U-M Human Resources sent email to approximately 14,500 individuals who are enrolled in the university's legal plan but not enrolled in the credit monitoring option that is part of that plan. An email invitation from Hyatt Legal Services will be sent to the same people April 19.
February 2017 update: Hyatt Legal Services has changed the name of its credit monitoring service from IDT911 FraudScout to CyberScout. U-M employees who enroll in the plan from February 2017 onward will receive an email from CyberScout letting them know how to activate the service.

Some U-M employees have reported concern about emails received from the IDT911 Resolution Center Support Team concerning Hyatt Legal Plan FraudScout Activation. Although these emails may appear suspicious because of the unfamiliar sender and other characteristics of phishing emails, they are legitimate.

Why Would I Get One of These Emails?

The emails are sent to U-M employees who have signed up for the Legal Services Plan benefit available through U-M Human Resources. The Legal Services Plan, which is administered by Hyatt Legal Services, includes an optional credit monitoring service called FraudScout, which is administered by IDT911. IDT911 contacts those who have signed up for the Legal Services Plan to offer them the service. Human Resources provides information about this at Covered Legal Services.

What Do the Emails Look Like

Human Resources has posted a sample copy of the most recent version of the FraudScout email (PDF).

FraudScout message image

What Should I Do?

If you signed up for the Legal Services Plan through the university and want the additional optional credit monitoring service, it should be safe for you to go ahead and register for it. When you go to the registration page, check your web browser's address/URL bar to be sure the address is

If you have questions about

  • The credit monitoring service or the registration process, call the phone number provided by IDT911 in the email (1-800-406-7194).
  • Your U-M benefits, contact the U-M Shared Services Center.

Thank You for Your Vigilance!

Thank you to those of you who have expressed caution and concern about these emails. You were right to be careful and wonder if they were phishing messages. To learn more about phishing, see Phishing & Suspicious Email.