Phishing Alert: Action Required: Please review document and file

Date Sent: 
Monday, October 30, 2017

Darrell Calderon you a document to review using DocuSign application secured upload for security reasons


SENT TO YOU BY:  Darrell Calderon [email address removed] with the DocuSign Electronic Signature Service

If you are having trouble reviewing the document, please visit the Help with Signing page on our Support Center.

Happy DocuSigning

Image removed by sender. The DocuSign Team


Darrell Calderon

[A link to a malicious website has been removed from this message.]

Phishing Email or Site Screenshot: 
A fake Office login page is presented by the link.

Some U-M community members reported receiving this email. It is fraudulent or malicious. Do not respond, click any link in it, or provide personal information or money. See Phishing & Scams for more tips. If you need help, contact the ITS Service Center.