Phishing Alert: Exchange Admin Center

Some U-M community members reported receiving this email. It is fraudulent or malicious. Do not respond, click any link in it, or provide personal information or money. See Phishing & Scams for more tips. If you need help, contact the ITS Service Center.

Date Sent: 
Tuesday, July 5, 2016


We received a report that the account has exceeded the outbound quota limit. This means that too many emails were sent in a small period of time which exhibits behaviour similar to spam. Was this mail legitimate or has your account been compromised? If legitimate, and you will be needing to send large amounts of email frequently we can assist you with increasing your quota.

Do not to reply to this email due to you outbound emails being blocked. We can determine the steps needed to remove this quota block. click HERE [LINK REMOVED].


Phishing Email or Site Screenshot: