Phishing Alert: Fernie Caballero has shared DOC354647

Date Sent: 
Thursday, September 22, 2016


Please see the attached document i sent you, you can only view the file with the mail i sent it too, no third party email.


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Sent by Fernie Caballero [LINK REMOVED]




Fernie Caballero


Account Manager

Pilot Freight Services - ELP

12120 Rojas Drive, Suite B

El Paso, TX 79936

(XXX)-XXX-XXXX (office)

(XXX)-XXX-XXXX (fax)

(XXX)-XXX-XXXX (toll free)

Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

fcaballero[AT]pilotdelivers[DOT]com  [LINK REMOVED]

www[DOT}pilotdelivers[DOT]com [LINK REMOVED]

Electronic Mail is not secure, may not be read every day, and should not be used for urgent or sensitive issues 

Phishing Email or Site Screenshot: 

Some U-M community members reported receiving this email. It is fraudulent or malicious. Do not respond, click any link in it, or provide personal information or money. See Phishing & Scams for more tips. If you need help, contact the ITS Service Center.