Phishing Summary
This phishing email attempts to trick the recipient by appearing to be a voicemail alert. The email subject and sender address may be formatted to impersonate a U-M system. The subject and message may also contain a real or fake phone number (removed here for safety). Clicking the link in the phishing email opens a fake Outlook login window.
Always check the URL before logging in. Checking the URL of the fake outlook login page shows that this is not a U-M email system.
Phone numbers and names have been removed from the example of the email text below for security and privacy.
Phishing Email Text
You have a Voicemail Message from (XXX) XXX XXXX [phone number removed]
To: “109” - “name removed”
From: 01 [phone number removed]
Received: “2020-July-14 08:27:91”
Duration: 00:49
Play VM [link removed]
Message Encryption by
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