Pillar of liberty, security, and justice
ownership, protected, net neutrality, freedom, integral
Privacy is integral to personal citizenship & freedom - it must be protected. Decision-makers are not considering or knowledgeable of a sustainable user experience; they are no longer listening. Protect net neutrality. Protect personal data & ownership.
Inherent dignity from God to me
Dignity defined from Webstersdictionary1828.com as: Elevation; honorable place or rank of elevation; degree of excellence, either in estimation, or in the order of nature.
data protection, security, will over data
Expected, ignored, complex, Peace-of-Mind, non-judjement, monetized
It remains between me and God
Robert Maloney
without interruption, having time to yourself
consent, freedom, agency, control, end policing
ownership, consent, transparency, freedom, observation, identity
Alone, Online, Control, Choice, Freedom, Security
Peace, solitude, protection, nonjudgement, freedom, liberty
Probably means nothing to my congressperson
please don't look at me, thanks
other guy keep it to himself!
Even more Average User
just keep things to yourself !
Average User
Hi. Bits and Bytes built AI.
The ability to know what is known about me.
About me, only decided by me
Escaping the exploitative surveillance capitalist machine
I don't know who knows me
imperative, vanishing, monetized, personal, freedom, security
Necessary, Safety, Freedom, Creativity, Quite, Forgotten
Control over who sees my data
consent hidden comfortable blinds darkness internet
Ambiguous, Autonomy, Controlled, Essential, Security, Right
Tillie Rosenberg
The ability to control my data
control rights protection personal laws corporations
Secure my data from being hacked
Right to make your own choices
Essential, should be a fundamental right
Ability to be free of monitoring
Please leave alone my personal information
Privacy means no snooping on me
My things not accessed by others
Individual, rights, assurance, ownership, protection, secrets
Information/ data about me are mine
State of being free from world
Help protect the vulnerable from exploitation.
Having control over my own information
Cybersecurity, passwords, breach, security, freedom, control
I own decision to keep/disclose information
Right to own your own data
My personal details will stay private
Others cannot see what I do
Free service, you are the product
Protect your data; Choices have consequences
Sapiens Mulier
Opportunity, liability, fight, moral, subjective, reasonable
How to protect privacy in the 21st century: have reasonable expectations, do not assume others will protect your privacy, do what is right by others in your personal and professional life.
Privacy lost/ traded is never regained
choice, expectation, identity, explicit, monetization, profiling
M Giacobbe
control safety choice options patient decides
Truth, Confidence, Stability, Recovery, Secure, Responsible
Privacy is confidence in truth being shared about the stability of what will hold things private. Nothing is full proof... but knowing private things can be recovered due to incident with responsibility being owned by those considered guardians is key.
E. King
closed shy restricted safe unbothered alone
Shrinking fast as social media pervades
Steve Boyak
My data, my decision to unshare
Twin to “my data, my decision to share”
My data, my decision to share
you can never be too paranoid
surveillance secrets hiding target castle invasive
sensitivity respect control right permission obligtions
Data privacy is not something suspicious
brian cors
Information privacy is a fundamental right
Information without privacy can too easily be used as a weapon. But information within a context of privacy can be a powerful tool for discovery, for advocacy, and for accountability.
Johanna Bleckman
big brother can not watch me
My right to be left alone
Clarity, Accuracy, Permission, Retention, Protection, Deletion
Means only using the least amount of permissible data for any action and only retaining it for the shortest time possible.
John Krogulski
Data analysts, Ask for permission, always!
No peeping toms; no peeping platforms
Human scale empathy and decision making.
No more ogling, Google. Free blue!
unsolicited data capture is data harassment
Data mining objectifies all of us.
How do you define data rape?
Freedom rights secure confident control assured
Freedom rights secure confident control assured
my options are not commodity futures
Transparency, choice, security, accountability, trust, freedom
stop sharing salary and work location
Being a single woman I am concern for my safety I don't tell people where I work that changed when I started at U of M it is easy to search my name where I work how much I make you should have a filter set up so this is not easy to get to.
Don't trust the privacy tools either
Even when you request data not to be collected/tracked and don't give your consent, the tech companies are still collecting it. You don't even have to not use the service.
Must stop sacrificing privacy for convenience!
It's about freedom versus control
Suppose I kept a record of when you left your house, where you went, how many minutes you spent at each place, what you bought along the way, and who you talked to, but not what you said. Is that metadata, or is it surveillance?
Self-determination, respect, dignity, consent, choice, control
I think that salaries should remain private. In the past, employees talking about how much they make, or how much of an increase they received versus me. There are a lot of factors that are considered when determining salary.
Just do it, respect my privacy.
Translations of Privacy : ilusion, delusion
Bill Hubbard
There's no privacy, security; only deterrence.
Duo should not be a requirement
Hard to define, easy to lose.
Privacy can mean different things to different people and at different times, but it is easily lost and difficult to regain.
I do not see a privacy anything with my salary being made public information through the University. That is unfair because I know that it is not publicly available for everyone. I never agreed to have my salary info posted for internet searches.
Privacy has been monetized and weaponized
regaining privacy is a new pipe dream like clean environment, and world peace
Sometimes, there's no good alternative product
Would love to be able to use a product without giving up my data or move to a different product, but it's not always possible because of how embedded the product is in our society's tech infrastructure and the lack of sufficient support for alternatives.
Just Say No to Social Media
Irrefutable ownership of myself via privacy
I Am, I Exist, the world does not need to know EVERYTHING about me.
Thomas A. Burns
what's this crazy-egg dot com tracker
privacy evolves: adapt, migrate or pass
does it matter in the end
nothing on the web is private. If we embrace new assistant technologies and not be as concerned about privacy, maybe life would be easier.
choice control anonymity data ownership personhood
consent, permission, allow, anonymity, irrefutable,
freedom, respect, confidence, security, assuredness, comfort
comfort, value, peace, consequences, need-to-know, point-in-time
personal, incognito, VPN, password, sensitive information
Nothing on the web is private.
safe, worry less, quiet, protected, trust
When you walk away, log out!
safety, security, anonymous, private, non-hacked,
Freedom to choose context specific identities.
freedom, safety, independence, separation, cost, illusion
freedom of expression, expectation of security
Security, safety, freedom, awareness, breach avoidance
protection from intrusive snoops, ,
safety, freedom, trust, peace, ,
freedom, private, safe, secure, uncensored, unsurveilled
User first transparent human readable choices
Privacy is the ability to have agency over one's own information and identity. One gets to choose how/when/where it is used and shared and clearly understand the consequences of doing so in context with the benefits you will receive in return.
Daniel Ayala
Vulnerable to ability, agency, and access
Privacy is like one of those very basic desires - like fairness. But like other basic desires, there is no sharp definition. Context matters, and in that context are:
Ability to choose (as modified by health, injury, etc.)
Agency to act
Access too.
Richard C
Relinquishing privacy is rarely worth it.
Privacy is't dead; it smells funny.
How many trackers on this site?
My data, my control, my rights.
My data is mine, ask first.
Jack K
Respect me. Don't monetize my life.
peace of mind visibility without intrusion
expect nothing online to be private
autonomy dignity property default design nunya-bizness
anonymity empowerment agency security freedom protection
equality choice ownership rights consent empowerment
robert s.
Lawyerly arcane commercialized vital confused manipulatable
humanity, equality, freedom, choice, security, justice
justice respect integrity choice freedom access
Humanity, expression, autonomy, comfort, freedom, rights
Liberty, Freedom, Happiness, Comfort, Safety, Confidence
Control over sharing my personal information
I enjoy the capabilities that information sharing provides me, but I want the ability to manage the which parts of my personal information are exposed to others.
Safety, Calm, Right, Freedom, Value, Citizen
Self rights freedom protection ☮️ autonomy
anonymity freedom self-expression being autonomy human
personal control anonymity permission unknown rights
Always tenuous, quickly fleeting, traded for convenience and profit.