The Privacy Hermit

The Privacy Hermit, a shadowy figure in a cloak, looks over a city at sunset, their back to the viewer.Your privacy concerns, behaviors, and attitudes most closely align with the Privacy Hermit.


You're determined to guard your identity and data like they are the crown jewels. You err on not trusting others with your data, going above and beyond to keep your information under wraps. The extreme privacy-protecting measures you pursue are often guided by instinct rather than up-to-date knowledge, leaving you in a lonely fortress of your own making.

Possible Pitfalls

Although commendable, the energy you pour into protecting your information can be misdirected because of a shaky foundation in privacy basics. All your efforts at shutting out the world may leave you overwhelmed and isolated, missing out on digital conveniences, rewarding connections, and exciting opportunities. 

Privacy Strategies

Knowledge will help turn instinctive action into well-informed choices, so get to know the big picture behind privacy and surveillance. The History of Privacy and History of Surveillance timelines on the Safe Computing website are great places to start. Balance your quest for privacy with information by learning about and supporting technologies that offer tangible benefits. For ideas, watch the Privacy@Michigan keynote on Privacy in the Age of AI

Find out about the other portraits:

The Privacy Devotee, a long-haired, helmeted figure wearing ornate magical armor, holds a shield bearing the word Privacy above a keyhole.The Privacy Guardian, a Black woman, stands in front of a glowing stained-glass window, guiding a magical floating sphere with a digitized human face.The Privacy Rebel, a white woman, kneels below a security camera, holding a white flag.The Privacy Aspirant, a dark-skinned person wearing armor and bearing a sword and shield, stands in front of a glowing stained-glass window.  A single feather sprouts from each shoulder, symbolizing wings.The Privacy Pragmatist, a white man, holds a balanced scale in front of a glowing stained-glass window.The Privacy Skeptics, a Black man and a white woman, confer beneath a protective umbrella.The Privacy Novice, a white man, holds a large magical compass up to the viewer, as a crowd recedes behind him.The Privacy Free Spirits, a white man and woman, walk with their dog in front of a tarot-card style magical sun.