The Privacy Pragmatist

The Privacy Pragmatist, a white man, holds a balanced scale in front of a glowing stained-glass window.Your privacy concerns, behaviors, and attitudes most closely align with the Privacy Pragmatist.


You’re balanced and cautious. You walk the line between convenience and security. You understand the importance of privacy and take essential measures to protect it, without going to extremes. This practical mindset helps you navigate the digital world responsibly.

Possible Pitfalls

Although your understanding of the online world is well-rounded, you have some blind spots and can underestimate the extent to which your data can be misused. This can lead to instances in which you unwittingly leave the door to your private life open. For example, you may forget to update the versions and settings of some devices and accounts, limiting the extent to which you can defend your information from prying eyes.

Privacy Strategies

Strive to more diligently update devices and software to the latest versions and review privacy settings more regularly. Stay informed by reading an article or two on privacy to keep yourself abreast of the latest developments, such as new data protection laws, pending lawsuits, or data breaches.

Find out about the other portraits:

The Privacy Devotee, a long-haired, helmeted figure wearing ornate magical armor, holds a shield bearing the word Privacy above a keyhole.The Privacy Guardian, a Black woman, stands in front of a glowing stained-glass window, guiding a magical floating sphere with a digitized human face.The Privacy Rebel, a white woman, kneels below a security camera, holding a white flag.The Privacy Aspirant, a dark-skinned person wearing armor and bearing a sword and shield, stands in front of a glowing stained-glass window.  A single feather sprouts from each shoulder, symbolizing wings.The Privacy Skeptics, a Black man and a white woman, confer beneath a protective umbrella.The Privacy Hermit, a shadowy figure in a cloak, looks over a city at sunset, their back to the viewer.The Privacy Novice, a white man, holds a large magical compass up to the viewer, as a crowd recedes behind him.The Privacy Free Spirits, a white man and woman, walk with their dog in front of a tarot-card style magical sun.