Secure Your Devices: For You and the U

Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are great! Personal devices keep us connected and make us more productive. If you use your own devices to access or maintain sensitive university data, U-M expects you to secure your devices and use them responsibly. Even if you don't access university data, you can protect your personal information by securing your devices. Watch this two minute video to learn more.

Video Summary

If you only remember one thing, remember this:

Be sure to properly manage and secure your personally owned devices before working with sensitive university data. This minimizes the risk to university data as well as to your personal information. That's good for you, and it's good for the University or Michigan.

It's Good for You—and the U

Exercise. Eat vegetables. Get enough sleep. That's good for you.

Another thing that's good for you is securing your personal electronic devices. And it's essential for the people who depend on you to protect their privacy. It's good for you and the U.

Personal Devices Are Great

Maybe you have a smartphone, a tablet, and/or a laptop of your own. Those devices are convenient, and they help you be more productive.

You've Got Reponsibilities

If you use your own devices to work with sensitive university data (such as student, HR, or patient records—or human subject research), the university expects you to secure and manage your devices so you don't put yourself or the university at risk.

Why? Because Things Happen

  • You leave your laptop on a plane.
  • Maybe your phone gets stolen.

If your devices aren't secure, others can do everything you can on them. Reply to your email. Post to your social media, change your choices in Wolverine Access, and see and change the university data that your colleagues and others depend on you to protect.

The university expects you to take some precautions.

Minimum U-M Expectations

  • Use basic security settings. Turn on the passcode, and find my phone feature. That stops someone who picks up your device from getting access to all your accounts.
  • Use secure networks. Use your wireless carrier’s network or secure network connections, like MWireless. Turn on the U-M VPN when using public networks, like at a coffee shop. This protects your email and more from criminals who can see what you send across insecure public networks.
  • Keep your software up-to-date so you have the latest security patches, and only download trusted apps.

More Detail

Learn more on the Safe Computing website:

Protect your devices. Set a passcode, use secure networks, and keep your software and apps up-to-date. It's good for you. And it's good for the university. And it wouldn't hurt to eat more broccoli.

Additional Resources​