Using Your Devices Securely with U-M Data

Who this Tutorial is for

This tutorial is intended for people who, in order to perform university duties and activities, are permitted to work with sensitive university data from their own devices, including

  • Personally owned devices that you manage yourself.
  • Devices you own for which U-M provides a partial subsidy or stipend.
  • University-owned devices that you manage, such as devices purchased with grant funding.

Personally owned devices include personal computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, media players, and removable media such as USB flash drives, external disk drives, DVDs, or any optical storage media that can be readily transferred from one electronic device to another.

What this Tutorial Covers

When you complete this tutorial,

  • You will know what U-M expects of you if your department permits you to work with sensitive university data using your own devices.
  • You will be able to select basic security settings for your personal devices.
  • You will be able to use and manage your personal devices in ways that better protect the data you work with.
  • You will be able to identify and define sensitive university data.
  • You will be able to manage data securely.
  • You will know what constitutes a security incident and how to report it.
  • You will be able to take extra precautions to protect sensitive data when traveling.


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